Channel Menu

Clicking on any of the channels from from the list seen earlier opens a settings menu specific to that channel.The menu can be seen in Figure 12, and includes a plethora of options.

  • If you leave the Max MC, Min/Max Liquidity, Min MC/Liq, Max Buy/Sell Tax, Sell-Hi, Sell-Lo, Sell-Hi Amount, and Sell-Lo Amount unchanged in Figure 12, then the bot will use the global settings chosen in Section 2. Choosing any new settings here for these parameters will override the global settings established earlier.

  • The column on the right removes the settings established in the left column, same as before.

Options offered in each channel menu:

βœ… Track

Click on this to enable tracking. If there is a green checkmark, you will be tracking this call channel through the sniper. As explained earlier, simply tracking will not trigger auto buys. This will only notify you that the channel has posted a decipherable contract address, and it will give you the option to manually buy (more on this in the next item).

βœ… Multi

Click on this to enable simultaneous buys with multiple wallets for this channel. A green checkmark indicates that the option is enabled. However, if you don’t have Multi enabled in your Multi-Wallet settings (more on that in Section 6), simultaneous buys will NOT occur. You need to enable Multi in both wallet and channel settings. This is to guard against accidental multi-wallet buys.

πŸ’³ Main

Click on this to cycle through your wallets. The selected wallet will be used for auto buys from this channel. Combining βœ…Multi and πŸ’³Main leads to Multi-Wallet buys, but choosing any wallet other than Main disables Multi.

βœ… Auto Buy/Sell and Trailing Toggles

Enable auto buy, auto sell, and trailing stoploss for that channel. If you want the bot to auto buy a call from the channel, make sure to turn Auto Buy on in this menu and the wallet Buy menu in Figure 4, and fill in a Buy Amount in the next entry. As for Auto Sell, enable this if you want Auto Sell to be enabled by default on any trade coming from this channel. If Auto Sell is enabled both here and in the wallet Sell menu of Figure 5, then you won’t have to enable Auto sell AFTER a trade. The same applies for Trailing sell, as it needs to be enabled in both locations to be active by default after a trade (more on this in Section 5).

✏️ Buy Amount

Choose the amount of BNB/ETH for autobuys. You need to fill this in if you want the bot to autobuy tokens called by this channel. If you’re tracking the channel but you leave Buy Amount empty, the bot will notify you when a channel makes a call, and offer you the chance to buy pre-specified amounts.

✏️ Gas Price - Delta

Choose the gas price (BSC) or delta (ETH) to be used on Auto Buys from this channel. This overrides your wallet gas price - delta, and allows you to customize each channel separately. If you leave this empty, Auto Buys from this channel will simply use the wallet settings.

🌐 Smart Slippage

Enable (βœ…) , disable (❌), or revert to global (🌐) settings for Smart Slippage on Auto Buys for this channel. Enabling or disabling this feature overrides the wallet Smart Slippage settings. If you leave it on 🌐, Auto Buys from this channel will simply use the wallet settings.

✏️ Slippage

Choose the slippage to be used on Auto Buys from this channel. This overrides your wallet slippage. If you leave this empty, Auto Buys from this channel will simply use the wallet settings.

β›” Clear All Settings

This will delete all of your settings for the specific call channel you are in. This is the same as clicking the right column for every field.

Closing words:

  • Make sure you have Auto Buy and Auto Sell enabled in the global wallet settings outlined in Section 2.

  • You can override your wallet gas price/delta and slippage settings for channel Auto Buys.

  • Enabling tracking without setting a Buy Amount will not trigger an autobuy. Setting a Buy Amount without enabling tracking will not trigger an autobuy. Auto Buys will trigger only when you’re tracking a channel that you’ve set an Buy Amount for. If the conditions for Auto Buy are not satisfied, you will simply receive a buy menu (similar to Figure 8), and manual buys from this menu will use your wallet's gas price/delta and slippage settings.

  • You DO NOT need to worry about your autobuy amounts exceeding the max transaction limit. If your Buy Amount is higher than the limit and the bot manages to estimate that limit, then the bot will automatically adjust the Buy Amount to make sure the transaction goes through.

  • Call channel sniping benefits from the same protections showcased in Section 3.3, and will block auto buys when a scam or a problematic token is detected.

You are now ready to snipe call channels! You can track multiple call channels at the same time so experiment and create your own portfolio.

Last updated