God Mode Menu

God Mode functionalities:

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Simulate - ⭐️Premium Exclusive

This allows you to simulate a token's launch so you can check its launch taxes, max buy, and assigned deadblocks. More details can be found here.

πŸ’³ Main

Allows you to select which wallet you want to snipe with. If you have Mutli enabled in your Multi-Wallet menu of Figure 16, buying with the Main wallet will trigger buys from all your multi-wallets.

βœ… Multi

Press this button to activate Multi-Wallet sniping. If Multi is enabled (with a βœ…) and the wallet is set to πŸ’³Main then, the bot will attempt a Multi-Wallet God Mode snipe.

✏️ Gas Price or Delta

Sets the gas price (on BSC) or gas delta (on ETH) for the God Mode snipe. This is again irrelevant for Arbitrum, as the chain operates on a First-Come-First-Serve basis. This gas price/delta is only active for your God Mode snipe, and does not affect any other transactions.

βœ… Block0 Tip - ETH Exclusive

This enables blockbuilder tipping on Block-0 God Mode ETH snipes, which gives you access to the powerful ABOT.DOG Block-0 Dominance system. When this button is activated on Block-0 snipes, the bot will attempt to bundle the launch transaction with your buys to give you the best possible entry. More details on this advanced system can be found here. Keep in mind that enabling this on non-Block-0 snipes will not affect your snipe, so you can leave it enabled regardless of block delay (the same applies to TURBO users).

✏️ Tip Amount - ETH Exclusive

This is the amount of ETH that will be tipped (bribed) to blockbuilders. Use values above 0.05 ETH to guarantee good entries. More details on this advanced system can be found here.

βœ… Backup TX - ETH Exclusive

This is part of the powerful ABOT.DOG Block-0 Dominance system. On ETH Block-0 snipes where Block0 Tip is enabled, you can enable Backup TX, which allows the bot to send a simultaneous backup transaction alongside the Block-0 bundle explained in the earlier entry. The backup transaction will use half the Gas Delta you've assigned, and it will always be sent through our bloXroute Anti-MEV relays to ensure transaction safety. The backup transaction will never be sent in non-Block-0 scenarios, and it will never go through unless the bundled snipe fails. The backup transaction can still catch Block-0, especially if your Gas Delta is sufficiently high.

βœ… Liquidity - βœ…Method - βœ… Auto

These three buttons allow you to switch between sniping liquidity, sniping methods, and snipe auto. For example, selecting ❌ Liquidity transforms the 4 buttons below it into liquidity sniping options, while selecting ❌ Method transforms said buttons in method sniping options. Clicking on these 3 buttons does NOT enable God Mode sniping by itself.

βœ… TURBO⚑ - ⭐️Premium Exclusive

God Mode TURBO⚑ is the ⭐️Premium-exclusive version of Snipe Auto. This feature allows you to automatically snipe any token launch. The bot will auto-adjust to account for deadblocks, high taxes, and tricky max/min buys, all on Block-0. For more details on this feature, consult the following page.

βœ… Snipe Liquidity

After selecting Liquidity, you can then press on the corresponding Snipe Liquidity button to enable sniping of that type. If Snipe Liquidity is enabled (signified by a βœ…), then the Liquidity button above will also display a βœ…, and the bot will attempt to buy immediately when liquidity is added to the token. More details can be found in the following subsection.

βœ… Snipe Method

After selecting Method, you can then press on the corresponding Snipe Method button to enable sniping of that type. Pressing Snipe Method will prompt you to select a suitable method to snipe (like EnableTrade for example), and selecting a method will enable the method snipe. The Method button above will also display a βœ…, and the bot will attempt to buy immediately when the selected method is executed by the contract owner. More details can be found in the following subsection.

βœ… Snipe Auto

After selecting Auto, you can then press on the corresponding Snipe Auto button to enable sniping of that type. This is an experimental sniping algorithm that operates on prespecified parameters explained in this subsection.

Block Delay

If you press on Liquidity or Method, you can setup block delays for each type of snipe. If you know that the contract has some auto-blacklisted blocks (known as deadblocks) right after liquidity is added or the chosen method is activated, you can set up a block delay to execute your snipe right after the deadblocks pass. God Mode TURBO⚑automatically accounts for these deadblocks.

🎯 BNB/ETH Amount

For each type of snipe, you can attempt to snipe a native amount (BNB/ETH). If you're sniping with 0 block delay, make sure the chosen BNB/ETH amount doesn't violate the contract's max buy.

🎯 Token Amount

For each type of snipe, you can attempt to snipe an exact amount of tokens. You can also specify a percentage of total supply, and the bot will automatically convert the percentage to an exact token amount. This is very useful if you want to secure a max buy/wallet on launch.

✏️ Slippage

For each type of snipe, you can specify the slippage to be used. Slippage has different interpretations for BNB/ETH amount snipes and token amount snipes.

✏️ Slippage for 🎯BNB/ETH Amount Snipes

In this case, you can select a slippage percentage ranging between 0% to 100%. This slippage represents your loss tolerance. If you're afraid of getting sandwiched on ETH block 0 snipes, use token amount snipes instead, and control your slippage.

✏️ Slippage for 🎯Token Amount Snipes

In this case, you can select a slippage percentage ranging between 0% and 1000%. When slippage is set to X00% and you attempt to snipe an exact token amount, the bot will detect the amount of ETH/BNB needed to buy that exact token amount, and then send (X+1) * the detected ETH/BNB amount to secure your buy. For example, you wish to God Mode snipe exactly 100 tokens, and the bot detects that 100 tokens cost 0.1 ETH. If your slippage is set to 200%, the bot will send 0.3 ETH (3*0.1) to secure your buy. The router will then use whatever ETH amount it needs to get 100 tokens, and the remaining ETH will be sent back to your wallet. Alternatively, you can circumvent the bot's percentage-based estimations and set a strict BNB/ETH amount to be used. For example, you wish to God Mode snipe exactly 100 tokens, and you're not willing to pay more than 0.2 ETH for these 100 tokens. You can then set the slippage to 0.2, and the bot will send 0.2 ETH and attempt to secure 100 tokens. The router will then use whatever ETH amount it needs to get 100 tokens, and any remaining ETH will be sent back to your wallet.

Last updated